Write a short intro here in this space. Remember that although this is your about page, we want to use your copy to make it about your people and how you can relate and support them or solve their problem. Ice cream powder gummies brownie chupa chups ice cream.

Hi, I'm Salzburg–people lover and matcha obsessed.



Now I'm honored to do XYZ with fellow gals.

Icing bear claw lemon drops chupa chups lollipop sweet roll carrot cake sweet. Candy chupa chups marshmallow muffin gummi bears. Powder toffee candy canes jujubes chocolate lollipop oat cake chocolate bar. Donut toffee apple pie jelly beans donut donut cupcake liquorice. Tiramisu bonbon cupcake bear claw fruitcake bear claw. Sesame snaps jujubes jelly-o carrot cake cookie. Sweet biscuit lollipop gummies sesame snaps bonbon pudding pastry jelly-o. 

But I knew [this], and that's when everything changed.

Icing bear claw lemon drops chupa chups lollipop sweet roll carrot cake sweet. Candy chupa chups marshmallow muffin gummi bears. Powder toffee candy canes jujubes chocolate lollipop oat cake chocolate bar. Donut toffee apple pie jelly beans donut donut cupcake liquorice. Tiramisu bonbon cupcake bear claw fruitcake bear claw. Sesame snaps jujubes jelly-o carrot cake cookie. Sweet biscuit lollipop gummies sesame snaps bonbon pudding pastry jelly-o. 

My business was perfect, but I was miserable. Sound familiar? Here's my story.

client name

"If you think her story is inspiring, wait until your first coaching session. She'll be the cheerleader you've been looking for."


historic novels

my hometown

vintage records

dancing in the moonlight

community over competition

cool stuff i love:

let's work together »

Pair the two and you'll get my life's mission.